Pasang Lhamu Sherpa was the first Nepali woman to reach the summit of Mt. Everest, on April 22,1993. The achievement of Pasang Lhamu not only proved the Nepalese woman are brave, but also show their determined and resolute character. For many Nepalese woman, pasang Lhamu is a fugue that they will try and emulate for a long, lomg time.
Pasang Lhamu reached the top of the peak with other 5 Sherpas, Sonam Tshering Sherpa, Lhakpa Noru Sherpa, Pemba Dorje Sherpa and Dawa Tashi Sherpa. Meanwhile, a member of the team and five times Everest sumitter, Sonam Tshering Sherpa got seriously sick at south summit and despite Pasang Lhamu's effort to help did not survive his illness. While descenting from the summit, tragedy struck the team. The weather also suddenly turned bad, causing to lose her life on the south summit. She was fully aware of the peril, but that did not deter Pasang from getting to her goal, even if it meant sacrificing her life.
we are proud of you......